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Single Cell CRISPR Library Screening Service    

Single cell CRISPR screening is a powerful method for studying potential developmental, disease, and therapeutic response mechanisms. By directly correlating CRISPR perturbations with single cell gene expression data on a cell-by-cell basis, it is possible to analyze hundreds of different CRISPR perturbations and detect individual guide RNAs (sgRNAs) with direct gene expression phenotypes in hundreds to tens of thousands of cells without any knowledge of the cell type or marker. Creative Biogene CRISPR/Cas9 PlatformCB provides innovative single cell CRISPR library screening services that break the traditional limitations of gene function studies. With our single cell CRISPR screening technology, we can provide clients with more comprehensive information, allowing researchers to analyze the transcriptomic effect of perturbations at a single cell level. This leads to a detailed understanding of gene function in specific cell populations.

Why Choose Single Cell CRISPR Screening?

Traditional CRISPR hybrid screens provide limited information about how a gene affects other genetic pathways, and also require a trade-off between characterization depth and scale. For example, when we have multiple genes of interest and want to study all of them at once, if we use a traditional CRISPR hybrid screen and mix the sgRNAs designed for these target genes directly into cells to transfect them, we will end up with a bunch of cells with no idea of what they have been transfected with. This is where a single-cell CRISPR screen can be a very effective alternative to solve this problem, not only screening thousands of gRNAs in a single experiment, but also obtaining perturbed transcriptome-wide data at the same time in order to get the clearest picture of cell-type-specific gene function and pathway analysis. If your research question requires the evaluation of multiple gene edits or even genome-wide functional screens, then a high-throughput single cell CRISPR screening approach is recommended for your experiment.

Our Single Cell CRISPR Library Screening Service Process

Creative Biogene CRISPR/Cas9 PlatformCB provides one-stop services for single cell CRISPR library screening, and our screening process typically includes the following steps:

  • Experimental design

At the beginning of your project, our experts will help you identify target genes or genomic regions of interest and provide customized CRISPR editing strategies (e.g., knockout, activation, or inhibition) based on your research needs.

  • Gene editing and selection

Our experienced experts use advanced CRISPR tools and delivery strategies to efficiently introduce designed gRNA sequences into cells, ensuring ideal gene editing efficiency. Once the gRNA and Cas9 protein enter the cell, the CRISPR-Cas9 complex targets specific genes and causes double-strand breaks in their DNA. The cell's innate repair mechanisms attempt to fix these breaks, resulting in different genomic alterations such as insertions, deletions, or knockouts. Later, we screen the modified cells using flow or antibiotic methods.

  • Single cell phenotyping

Following the gene editing and selection steps, we use high-throughput analysis techniques such as flow cytometry, single-cell RNA sequencing, or imaging-based analyses to assess phenotypic changes in individual cells. In this way, we are able to identify and characterize cellular phenotypic changes resulting from gene editing and selection steps.

  • Data analysis

Our team of bioinformatics experts uses advanced computational methods to analyze large-scale single-cell datasets generated by library screening. We process and integrate data to identify differentially expressed genes, gene networks, or functional pathways affected by CRISPR libraries. We provide comprehensive data analysis, including gene set enrichment analysis, network analysis, and visualization tools to extract meaningful insights.

Single cell CRISPR library screening service process.Fig. 1 Single cell CRISPR library screening service process.

Application of Single Cell CRISPR Library Screening

  • Drug target identification and validation.
  • Analysis of upstream and downstream regulatory mechanisms of gene loops.
  • Metabolic pathway regulation mechanism analysis.
  • Analysis of the mechanism of action of Long noncoding RNA.
  • Screening of receptor proteins for viral infection of host cells.

Advantages of Our Single Cell CRISPR Library Screening Service

  • Single cell resolution enables comprehensive analysis of disease pathways and perturbation effects at a cellular level, facilitating large-scale research on individual cells.
  • Directly correlate CRISPR editing with gene expression phenotypes to help customers gain a comprehensive understanding of cell type-specific gene function.
  • Expand your CRISPR screen by analyzing the effects of genetic perturbations on hundreds of genes in thousands of cells.
  • Reduced analysis time helps you get gene expression results faster.
  • Advanced data analysis software simplifies your data analysis by exploring gene expression profiles after perturbation.

Creative Biogene CRISPR/Cas9 PlatformCB is dedicated to providing customers with one-stop single cell CRISPR library screening solutions. We have advanced genome-wide sgRNA design platform, genome-wide sgRNA synthesis platform, lentiviral packaging and stable transient cell line construction platform, and high-throughput sequencing+screening analysis platform. Whether you are studying developmental biology, cancer research, immunology, or any other field that requires single-cell analysis, our single cell CRISPR library screening services can provide you with valuable insights and accelerate your research. Contact us today to learn how our services can support your scientific endeavors.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.